Series: Federation Foundry Reviews:  The Beta Rana Incident

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By Jean-Luc Nyan Picard

Mission Author: @marhawkman


I liked some of the decor of the base, the crystals give an almost Kryptonian feel to it. The crystal computer was a cool idea, I really liked that!  But I don’t think my cats liked the environment too much, they wouldn’t follow me into the base very far.

Security Cat: “Sorry boss, I aint going in there!”

Me: “Scaredy Cat!”
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I think the story does have potential as the plot still peaks my interest, but it did feel a bit rushed. While the environmental bugs do affect access for your bridge officers, they aren’t really needed while on the ground portion. I think once some of those are touched up I’d like to rerun this mission. Some of the things you have added into this one has shown me a few options I didn’t know foundry could do.

Story Quality: 2/5
Action: 3/5
Creativity: 2/5
Star Trek Themed: 3/5
Rewards: Pending

Many thanks to Adventure Cat (CatStar) for allowing us to mirror his review for the Guild Alliance.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube