Series: Federation Foundry Reviews: Sceptor of Minos

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By Jean-Luc Nyan Picard

Mission Author: @malize

catstar_reviews_13When ever Ferengi are involved, you know things are going to get complicated, fast! This one is no different. The Rule of Acquisition # 34, “War is good for business.” Is a good example of how these creatures think. Can you stop this sector from destabilising in time to save lives?  I enjoy watching the Ferengi in action actually, their soulless single-mindedness for gain, allows for an always entertaining punchline in the shows, and something you’d just want to clobber in the game. Also, i noticed the NPC named Toshaya, looks like Christopher Loyd in Nassican makeup. ^^

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Story Quality: 3/5
Action: 3/5
Creativity: 3/5
Star Trek Themed: 3/5
Rewards: Yes

Many thanks to Adventure Cat (CatStar) for allowing us to mirror his review for the Guild Alliance.

You can catch up with Adventure Cat’s artwork, stories and reviews on his Deviantart page and his videos on YouTube